
As many repository items can be added to the Repositories sequence as is desired.

The repositories sequence will be queried to build a set of Repositories which the PullRequest matches. Either the name must match exactly OR a wildcard can be used.

Example: Given PullRequest.repo.full_name = “willwright/githubwebhooks”. = “willwright/githubwebhooks” will match = “*” will match = “notmy/repo” will not match

    name: willwright/githubwebhooks
    token: 123456
        branches: [origin/develop]
        paths: [/^vendor\//]
    name: '*'
    token: 123456
        paths: [/^somepath\//]
    name: 'notmy/repo'
    token: 123456
        paths: [/^somepath\//]

Check Types

Checks are the Class that actually do work. Each must extend \MeCodeNinja\GitHubWebhooks\Check\CheckAbstract. Checks are made available for use to the Factory via config/githubwebhooks.php.

This package comes with:

  • \MeCodeNinja\GitHubWebhooks\Check\BranchCheck
  • \MeCodeNinja\GitHubWebhooks\Check\PathCheck

The Key used in the repository configuration can be found from config/githubwebhooks.php. They are:

  • BranchCheck
  • PathCheck


Branch request is designed to ensure that feature branch has not been forked from a particular branch and has not had a particular branch merged into it.

Many teams follow the Git Branching strtegy in which all feature branches must be forked from master and if develop were to be merged in this would spoil the branch from being merged back into master.

Branch check takes an array of strings. The Pull Request branch will be checked to verify it has not been forked from the branch in question. The Pull Request branch will be checked to make sure that it has not had the branch in question merged into it.

Note that due to Git’s commit and branchng internal architecture determining whether a branch has had another branch merged into it or not is not an exact science and this check is prone to false positives.


        branches: [origin/develop]

The example will result in the Pull Request branch being checked for orign/develop


PathCheck is designed to ensure that a specific path has not been modified in a feature branch.

Many modern applciations are built from frameworks or groups of modules. Best practice is to extend the libraries to create a unique functionality not to modify the libraries themselves.

Path check takes an array of regular expression patterns. It will check the collection of changed files in the Pull Request for a match. If a match it found then the check will report a failure.


        paths: [/^vendor\//]

The example will check the collection of changed paths in the Pull Request for /vendor. If found the check will report a failure.